How Much Sugar are you Consuming?

How much Sugar do you ACTUALLY consume per day?

When you look at a nutritional label, at what point do you put the product down when looking a the sugar content? 
5g, 10g, 15g, 20g, 40g???

Do you keep in mind that what you see on the label is actually how much there is in a serving!?

So how much sugar are you eating per day??

The reality is that if your not logging your food on an app such as MyFitnessPal, or keeping a food journal of EVERYTHING that enters your mouth, you really have no idea.

A study done showed that people are Terrible at estimating how many calories they're consuming each day.

So let me put this in perspective... How much sugar (in grams) do you think is on a Krispy Kreme Glazed Doughnut? Here are your choices – 10g, 15g, 20g, 25g? (See below for answer)

Did you overestimate? If you did your not alone.

Take a look at the drink or food you have in your hand now, how many servings is it? How much sugar is really in it? A general rule of thumb is to immediately put down the food or drink that contains more than 15g of sugar per serving.

Here are some other foods that have a surprising amount of sugar (per serving):
Milk: 12g
Gatorade: 21g
Packaged Yogurt with fruit – 19g
Frosted Flakes – 12.4g
Coke Can (12oz) – 39g
Coke Bottle (20oz) – 65g
Coke (1 liter) – 108g
Red Bull (8.3oz) - 27g
Krispy Kreme Glazed Doughnut - 10g

While these are pretty alarming numbers, it doesn't mean you can never have a Gatorade ever again for the rest of your life. I'm saying that you need to be aware of the actual amount of sugar you are consuming everyday! If you are living an active lifestyle, you need to worry even less!