Sleep BIG to get BIG

Are you having trouble putting on 💪MUSCLE💪? Maybe its time to look outside of the gym and kitchen..

Most people don’t realize it, but sleep and muscle growth goes hand in hand. When you think about building muscle mass, the first thing you probably think of is spending hours in the gym. The next thing you probably think about is the diet and nutrition necessary to help recover and build muscle.

So what about sleep?

Think of it like this... when you train in the gym, you create microscopic tears in your muscle(duh). The two main factors in how well your muscles are repaired after training are sleep and nutrition.

During the sleep your body will go through cycles every hour releasing testosterone and melatonin, both essential for muscle growth. That is why it's recommended to get 8-10 hrs. of sleep, so your body is able to complete the necessary cycles of repair and recovery in order to achieve muscle growth.

If you sleep any longer than that you may be resetting your body’s natural clock and may find it much more difficult to fall asleep on time the following night.

On that note... GET TO BED! 😴😴😴