5 ways to loose belly fat!

Reality check... Most people have it, Everyone wants to get rid of it.


I tell my clients that every one of them has a six pack, we just cant see it yet. 

Here are 5 ways to peel of that fat:

1) Eat more Protein.
About 25%-30% of the calories in each gram of protein are burned in digestion, compared to only 6%-8% of the calories in carbs. Do the math: You save 41 calories every time you substitute 50 grams of protein for an equal amount of carbs.

2) Instead of Cardio, HIIT
What's HIIT? High Intensity Interval Training. I'll explain it like this: When driving your car, do you get better gas mileage on the hwy or city? Hwy right? Why? It's because your car is more efficient at going at a faster, steady pace than it is when driving in stop and go traffic. Our bodies are similar. When the goal is to burn fat, we need to use HIIT in order to bounce our heart rate, thus burning fat for fuel, as a car would burn gas.

3) Lift weights
Let me put it simply. Resistance training has a tendency to build muscle. The more you lift, the more you build. Muscle has a tendency to eat fat. The more you build, the leaner you get. Simple right?

4) Perform HIIT AFTER your workout
By doing cardio after you've lifted, when you're already tired, the same speed or intensity will have a greater effect than had you done it beforehand. You can set a pace with your cardio. So even if you're tired after resistance training, you still have a pace to follow. If you do cardio prior to resistance training, you will lack the proper intensity during your lifts. There is no set "pace" when it comes to weights... that has to come from within.

5) Log what you eat!
It's truly amazing how much added sugar surrounds our every move. Start looking at nutritional labels and logging your food into MyFitnessPal. At the end of the day, see how much sugar you've put into your body. Now that you know, do something about it!

Do you have a method that has worked for you!?